viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Finding the Intersections of SOA and Cloud Computing

David Linthicum, SOA expert, blogger, and founder of Blue Mountain Labs, spoke on Finding the Intersections of SOA and Cloud Computing at the March 2009 meeting of the SOA Consortium in Washington DC.

Linthicum opened by sharing the distinctions and connections between SOA and cloud computing. SOA is something you do, an architectural pattern. Cloud computing is an architectural option.

The value of SOA comes from having an architecture that readily accommodates change. The more your business changes, the more SOA pays for itself. However, the initial build-out of SOA, prior to business change or service sharing, is cost-ineffective. By incorporating cloud computing in SOA, the time to value is shortened because you leverage ‘other people’s work’. The trick, Linthicum shares, is to determine which services, information, and processes are good candidates to reside in, come from, the clouds.

To determine the right mix of internal and external services for your SOA, Linthicum emphasizes starting with your architecture. Understand your business drivers, information under management, existing services under management and core business processes. A common failure pattern is jumping to the technology prior to understanding own issues.

Beyond understanding your issues, understand the state of cloud computing. While there are safe, reliable offerings, cloud computing is at an early stage. Linthicum warned attendees to factor in integration costs and to beware of cloud interoperability and portability limitations.

For organizations contemplating extending SOA to the cloud, Linthicum suggests three preparatory actions. First, accept the notion that it's okay to leverage external services as part of your SOA. Second, create a strategy for the consumption and management of cloud services. Third, create a proof of concept now.

Presentation Abstract:
While SOA and best practices provide a framework for approaching IT architecture for the enterprise, the use of cloud computing resources, in the context of SOA is where the real money is made. Indeed, SOA, while bringing agility to the IT systems, also prepares the enterprise to leverage cloud computing by creating the necessary interfaces and support of standards. This symbiotic relationship between the concepts is further able to drive the enterprise to a state where services and processes may be run inside or outside of the firewall, as required by the business. In essence extending your SOA out to the platform of the Web, where and when needed, to reduce costs and take advantage of Internet delivered resources that provide access to pre-built processes and services, as well as access to platforms delivered as-a-service, as well as the value of the expandability of cloud computing resources.

In this presentation Dave takes the mystery out of cloud computing, and its use within the context of SOA, including the business case, the core notion, enabling technology, enabling standards, best practices, and steps to get to where you need to go. This presentation is not about general concepts and hype, it’s about setting a course for your enterprise towards a more agile, powerful, efficient, and cost effective approach to IT that will allow the IT resources to scale on-demand, and at the same time reducing costs significantly. Dave will not only tell you what’s going on, but how to do it. Step by step.


miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Finding the Flaws of the Whole, Not Just the Flaws of the Parts

The Visible and the Invisible in SAP
It would seem like the last thing we need in SAP systems is more metrics. Automated solutions that investigate, monitor and track ERP systems are common, so why are major corporations increasingly employing automated metrics for SAP systems?

Like all systems that span the enterprise, SAP systems suffer from the "six blind men and the elephant" problem - each man is able to envision his own part of the elephant, but putting together a picture of the whole animal is a problem. It is this "whole is greater than the sum of its parts" view that SAP developers need to get their arms around.

In what has become an all too frequent post-customization scenario, SAP developers are called to fix a transaction performance problem. Usually they find that availability is great, there's nothing wrong with the code - no odd changes - but somehow latency is in the tank. So what's wrong?

Some recent research on this very issue looked at 30 customer installs at large installations at Fortune 1000 companies with a lot of customization. The study looked closely at how database calls are handled in these installations.

The result was startling - 80 percent of the database interactions were being improperly handled. Large packet sizes, too much chatter, improper error handling, loops in queries and lapses in connection handling were prevalent. These problems caused periodic and significant business disruption. As we know, intermittent problems are the hardest to trace and fix because if you can't replicate it, you can't see what to fix - it's the kind of problem that traps you in the office on a Sunday until 3 a.m.

How does this kind of thing end up happening with such alarming frequency? After all, no ABAP developer worth his or her salt would ever do such things and no database admin would be caught dead writing inefficient queries. It must be those darn six blind men!
The blind men are the symptom caused by three types of complexity:

1.Technological Complexity: A typical SAP install has a large number of interconnected, customized components, with dependencies spanning from the GUI to the database layer. Business transactions cut across applications, functional roles within IT, business processes and business divisions. No single developer or even team of developers can comprehend the system end to end. Changes have ripple effects that are difficult to predict and control. None of these is by itself a bad thing, but together they make it very hard to get a sense of how the system is working as a whole to accomplish its critical business tasks.
2.Process Complexity: Because the system crosses organizational boundaries within and outside IT, it runs into different processes within these groups. Each process demands a unique skill set for the people involved, and has its own timeframe, maturity level, inputs and outputs. It is inevitable that when seen as one large "super-process," a lot falls through the cracks because no one person or team has the complete end-to-end view.
3.Governance Complexity: When you add organizational and reporting structures to the process complexity layer, you get governance complexity. This is about the hierarchies of authority and influence that manipulate the processes. The result is a highly scrutinized business-critical system that outruns technology, process, and governance boundaries. In such situations, one team's priority may not be another's, resulting in an inability to see the end-to-end view.
As we see in the next section, this fragmented view of the systems causes all the typical problems that beset ERP systems.

Structural Visibility of the Whole System
Inability to capture the end-to-end view leads to the usual problems people cite with ERP systems - escalating maintenance costs (over and above the 18% license cost) and nagging performance and stability problems. The root causes of these problems are hard to discern, but they have become almost clichéd and yawn inducing in their recurrence...


sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

SOA with .NET & Windows Azure:

Realizing Service-Orientation with the Microsoft Platform
Prentice Hall/PearsonPTR
ISBN: 0131582313
Available: June 7, 2010
Hardcover, 893 pages

Authors (in alphabetical order):
David Chou
John deVadoss
Thomas Erl
Nitin Gandhi
Hanu Kommalapati
Brian Loesgen
Christoph Schittko
Herbjorn Wilhelmsen
Mickey Williams

Forewords by:
S. Somasegar
David Chappell

Scott Golightly
Daryl Hogan
Jeff King
Scott Seely
Members of the Microsoft Windows Azure team
Members of the Microsoft AppFabric team

About this Book In SOA with .NET and Windows Azure, a team of top Microsoft technology experts team up with Thomas Erl to explore service-oriented computing with Microsoft's latest .NET and Windows Azure innovations. The authors show how modern service technology advancements within the Microsoft platform have increased the potential for applying and realizing service-orientation practices and goals. Specifically, the book delves into Microsoft enterprise technologies, such as Windows Azure, Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Windows Azure AppFabric, BizTalk Server, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and industry technologies and models, including WS-* and REST, in relation to common SOA design patterns and principles. The book walks the reader through numerous code-level examples and further details various technology architectures and implementation examples, such as those related to cloud computing, orchestration, and enterprise service bus platforms.

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Service-oriented architecture

A field guide to integrating XML and Web services

Prentice Hall PTR, 2004 - 536 páginas
Web services is the integration technology preferred by organizations implementing service-oriented architectures. I would recommend that anybody involved in application development obtain a working knowledge of these technologies, and I'm pleased to recommend Erl's book as a great place to begin. -Tom Glover, Senior Program Manager, Web Services Standards, IBM Software Group, and Chairman of the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I). An excellent guide to building and integrating XML and Web services, providing pragmatic recommendations for applying these technologies effectively. The author tackles numerous integration challenges, identifying common mistakes and providing guidance needed to get it right the first time. A valuable resource for understanding and realizing the benefits of service-oriented architecture in the enterprise. -David Keogh, Program Manager, Visual Studio Enterprise Tools, Microsoft. Leading-edge IT organizations are currently exploring second generation web service technologies, but introductory material beyond technical specifications is sparse. Erl explains many of these emerging technologies in simple terms, elucidating the difficult concepts with appropriate examples, and demonstrates how they contribute to service-oriented architectures. I highly recommend this book to enterprise architects for their shelves. -Kevin P. Davis, Ph. D., Software Architect. Service-oriented integration with less cost and less risk The emergence of key second-generation Web services standards has positioned service-oriented architecture (SOA) as the foremost platform for contemporary business automation solutions. The integration of SOA principles and technology is empowering organizations to build applications with unprecedented levels of flexibility, agility, and sophistication (while also allowing them to leverage existing legacy environments). This guide will help you dramatically reduce the risk, complexity, and cost of integrating the many new concepts and technologies introduced by the SOA platform. It brings together the first comprehensive collection of field-proven strategies, guidelines, and best practices for making the transition toward the service-oriented enterprise. Writing for architects, analysts, managers, and developers, Thomas Erl offers expert advice for making strategic decisions about both immediate and long-term integration issues. Erl addresses a broad spectrum of integration challenges, covering technical and design issues, as well as strategic planning.
  • Covers crucial second-generation (WS-*) Web services standards: BPEL4WS, WS-Security, WS-Coordination, WS-Transaction, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, and WS-Attachments
  • Includes hundreds of individual integration strategies and more than 60 best practices for both XML and Web services technologies
  • Includes a complete tutorial on service-oriented design principles for business and technical modeling
  • Explores design issues related to a wide variety of service-oriented integration architectures that integrate XML and Web services into legacy and EAI environments
  • Provides a clear roadmap for planning a long-term migration toward a standardized service-oriented enterprise
Service-oriented architecture is no longer an exclusive discipline practiced only by expensive consultants. With this book's help, you can plan, architect, and implement your own service-oriented environments-efficiently and cost-effectively. About the Web Sites Erl's Service-Oriented Architecture books are supported by two Web sites. http: // provides a variety of content resources and http: // supplies a descriptive portal to referenced specifications.